Speaking Engagements

Dr. LaFrance is available and enjoys out of clinic presentations and speaking engagements. The following is a list of topics that the doctor has previously spoken about:

  • Chiropractic and its uses
  • Orthotics
  • Nutritional detox
  • Weight management
  • Foundation nutrition
  • Osteoporosis
  • Injuries
  • Menopause and hormonal based concerns
  • Exercise and healthy lifestyle living at every age

Should you and your organization be interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Dr. LaFrance recently spoke at the Orillia Seniors Centre.  Below is a copy of his talk.

What is Chiropractic?


Chiropractic is a highly skilled treatment by trained professionals.  The word is Greek for “treatment by hand”.  Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal experts (nerves, muscles and joints) and one of five professions that can be called “doctor”.  Chiropractors are the only doctor trained to detect subluxations.




A chiropractor needs a minimum of three years of university followed by four yeas at an accredited college.  (4500 hours of education)


Types of Treatment


Adjustment/Manipulation – the chiropractor uses their hands to apply a very quick, precise and safe amount of pressure directly on the area of poor function.  This may give a crack as a gas bubble forms in the joint.  This relieves pressure on the joint, surrounding nerves and muscles and most importantly restores normal mobility.  This is not painful and often provides immediate relief.  THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF ADJUSTMENTS, SOME VERY PASSIVE.  Treatments may also include physiotherapeutic modalities, such as interferential current, ultrasound, laser and graston.  Exercise, nutrition and orthotics can also be part of the treatment plan.




The safety and effectiveness of chiropractic treatments have been studied in-depth and very carefully.  Studies have found chiropractic treatments extremely safe and most effective in alleviating back pain, neck pain, headaches and most other musculoskeletal conditions.  If your chiropractor diagnoses a condition more appropriately treated by another health care professional, he or she will make a referral. 


Adverse reactions from chiropractic treatments are rare.  Like all health professionals, your chiropractor will discuss all potential side effects and risks along with the benefits of any care you receive.


How Often Should I See a Chiropractor?


A common question is how long treatment should continue.  Your chiropractor will discuss the need for ongoing care with you, and it will depend on your specific problem.  For most people, the need is for immediate relief, but chiropractors provide three different levels of care.


  • Relief care is provided for immediate pain and discomfort.  Depending on the diagnosis, your age and physical condition, a few to several visits over a short period of time may be necessary.


  • Corrective care treats long term spinal problems.  Because these problems have existed for some time, they require a longer, more complex period of care, which may include a customized exercise program.


  • Supportive or maintenance care helps you maintain and enjoy the benefits you’ve achieved from relief and corrective care.  Continuing to work with your chiropractor and having adjustments once in awhile will keep your spine as healthy as possible.


Every individual is different and your chiropractor will recommend a course of care that is right for you.  Because of your chiropractor’s concern for you overall well-being, most treatment is accompanied by exercise, diet and other healthy living suggestions to help keep your back healthy and strong.


7 Amazing Benefits of Care for Seniors (New Malford Patch Report)


  1. Pain Relief – Chiropractic care is one of the most effective and safest forms of health care to treat pain due to spinal related conditions.  Chiropractors are specifically trained to identify and treat subluxations (joint dysfunction) and their effect on the central nervous system.


  1. Increased range of motion of the spine and extremities – Many studies show chiropractic care for the spine and extremities can increase range of motion and these results can be immediate.  This is why a number of sporting teams use chiropractors.


  1. Improved balance and coordination – Loss of balance can come from injury and/or degenerative changes of the cervical spine.  Mechano-receptors/sensors in the neck help tell the brain where the neck and head are in relation to the body.  Interference can result in loss of proprioception.  When there is decreased proprioception we rely on vision to help us know where we are.  Unfortunately, our vision gets worse as we age so our balance gets worse.  Studies have shown chiropractic care can help restore balance and coordination by stabilizing the joint receptors in the cervical spine.


  1. Decreases joint degeneration (less degeneration) – There is an increased range of motion of the joint which increases joint health and increases joint slipperiness.  Joints are self lubricating.


  1. Increases health and well-being – When you are out of pain you are able to do things like garden, golf and play with your grandkids.  You have an overall improved outlook each day.


  1. Decreased evidence of falling – The Centre for Disease Control reports that falls caused 90% of the 850,000 bone fractures of older Americans over 65 years.  Chiropractic can normalize mechanoreceptors in the joints and decrease the risk of falls.  Chiropractors can also prescribe stretching and exercise which helps with increased strength, flexibility, mobility, balance and coordination.


  1. Keeps seniors out of nursing homes – Dr. Ian Coulter from CMCC reported that 44% of those who used chiropractic reported having arthritis, in the non chiropractic group, 66% reported having arthritis.  He also reported that those who used chiropractic are more likely to do strengthening exercises.  After a three year follow-up, less than 5% of the chiropractic group were in a nursing home.  48% of the non chiropractic group were in a nursing home.  After a three year follow-up, 26% of the chiropractic group were hospitalized versus 48% in the non chiropractic group.


Chiropractic Care for Seniors


Two recent studies by Paula Weigel, PhD and Jason Hockenberry et al who are health policy researchers from the University of Iowa, looked at 70 year old and older United States medicare patients.


  1. The first study, based on 7000, 70 year olds began in 1993 and followed them every two years.  They reported that episodes of chiropractic care are superior to medical care for patients with back pain.  Chiropractic protected them from two year declines in activities of daily living such as getting across a room, getting dressed, bathing and showering, eating and getting in and out of bed, also difficulties using the telephone, taking medication, handling money, shopping and preparing meals.  Also improved were declines in lower body function such as coming up and down a flight of stairs, walking several blocks, pushing or pulling heavy objects and lifting or carrying ten pounds or more.  They also had better self rated overall health and fewer depressive symptoms.


                        “slowing the rate of functional decline, disability and dependency among community-dwelling older adults reduces the threat of institutionalization and preserves autonomy and well being”


  1. An average of nine visits of chiropractic care were given.  With medical care, 30% had a decline in activities of daily living, only 19% with chiropractic care.  There was a 38% decline in lower body function with medical and 27% with the chiropractic group.  40% of the chiropractic group could do vigorous exercise with only 27% in the medical group.  More people were overweight in the chiropractic group, 59% versus 47% in the medical group.  This makes the chiropractic results even more important as being overweight increases morbidity.  Chiropractic care was also more cost effective.









Healthy living is all about making the right choices.  Critical to making healthy decisions is having the knowledge about the foods you are eating, engaging in activity and supporting your diet with premium nutritionals that follow a rigorous ingredient policy that is gluten-free, vegan and formulated with non-GMO ingredients.  Having more energy and vitality, feeling more engaged in life and being happier can start with making a few small changes in your daily habits and engaging in self-education.  Healthy living doesn’t have to be complicated.  Join us, here, June 7th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. to join our 30 Days To Healthy Living Program. This program will help you get the results you’re looking for and to support your journey to a healthier you.  Call the office today to reserve your spot.